
FOREIGN AFFAIRS Journal, which has been published quarterly by the Chinese people's Institute of Foreign Affairs since October 1985, is issued now in both English and Chinese.

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  • No. 152
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  • No.134
  • No.133
  • No.132
  • No.131
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Recommended this issue:
  • Review the 70-Year Journey and Usher in a New Era
    There is no doubt that the buzzword for China-Russia relations in 2019 is “seventy”. This year marks 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia. A recent report ...
  • Carry Forward Traditional Friendship and Seize the Opportunities of Our Times
    The2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) successfully held on 3 and 4 September wasa truly memorable momentfor China-Africa relations. The summit, whichbrought together the China-Africa big family,surpassed any other diplomatic e...
  • WTO Reform: Challenges and Solutions
    Discussions on WTO reform are heating up, with wrestling among different parties. Since last year, WTO members including the European Union and Canada have formulated preliminary documents on WTO reform. The United States has changed course and put forward its...
  • The Trend of Today’s World
    “Today’s world is undergoing huge changes as unseen in the past century”. That is a far-reaching and well-grounded conclusion reached by President Xi Jinping about the changing global landscape from the perspective of historical materialism and on the basis...
  • A Certain Future Amidst Uncertainties
    Of the books I read lately, Has the West Lost It? A Provocation by Professor Kishore Mahbubani is most striking.Contrary to the doom and gloom picture of the present and future world painted by some Western media, Professor Kishore Mahbubani has presented an o...
  • Advances in AI Technology and Evolution of the International System in the Future
    The rapid advances in AI technology are transforming our world. As the performance of computer hardware improves in all respects and a massive amount of data builds up in the Internet age, AI technology has entered into a period of high-speed development in th...
  • No.130
  • No.129
  • No.128
  • No.127
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  • No.126
  • No.125
  • No.124
  • No.123
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Recommended this issue:
  • Working Together to Address Global Security Challenges and Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
    It gives me great pleasure to come to Tsinghua University on such an exuberant summer's day and join you at the Sixth World Peace Forum. Before I start my speech, let me express my warm congratulations on the opening of the forum and extend my sincere greeting...
  • Speech at the Luncheon of the 6th World Peace Forum
    It is a real pleasure to once again be invited to the World Peace Forum, which is in its sixth session this year. Since its inception, the Forum has contributed its wisdom to promoting world peace and addressing global and regional security challenges, and has...
  • Peace and Sharing Makes the World a Better Place
    I’m delighted to speak at this dinnermarking the 6thTsinghua World Peace Forum. Thanks in no small measure to the professionalism and hard workof Tsinghua University and Professor Yan Xuetongand his team, this forum has significantlycontributed to enhancing...
  • Keynote Speech at the 6th World Peace Forum
    It is a distinct pleasure to be here in Beijing, an ancient seat of civilization and culture. I would like to express deep appreciation to Tsinghua University and the Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs for organization this timely and important 6t...
  • The Future of Asia’s Regional Architecture
    I start with a basic but difficult question: in the first half of the twenty-first century, will the Asia-Pacific be able to maintain a further generation of economic growth and sustain peace in the face of unprecedented geopolitical change?Until recently, the...
  • On Challenges to International Security: Joint Efforts, Responsibility, and Reform
    There is a clear nexus between globalization and international security. This is because globalization came with a promise that it will bring development, and international security depends on development. Logically then, anti-globalization is anti-developm...
  • On International Security in the Trend of Anti-Globalization
    It is my privilege and my pleasure to take part in the Sixth World Peace Forum here in Beijing. Over years, the Forum has evolved into a very prominent and distinguished location to discuss both Asian and global security matters. We should congratulate our hos...
  • International Security in the Trend of Anti-globalization
    It is my pleasure to share my views in this important conference which addresses issues related to international security. I deem it necessary to thank the organizers of this forum for the hospitality extended to my delegation.At the outset, I would like to re...
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • China’s Economic Diplomacy Entered the New Era
    By Zhang Jun*China’s economic diplomacy in 2017 was unveiled with President Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening session of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. The speech captured broad interest of and resulted in in-depth studies by th...
  • Deepen China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Coordination and Jointly Create A New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation
    By Gui CongyouIn 2016, the international landscape changed at a faster pace and the international dynamics shifted toward greater justice and equity. Under the able leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with comrade Xi Jinpi...
  • Historical Experiences and Important Principles of China-US Relations
    By Su GeChina-US relations are the most important and complicated bilateral relations in today’s world. A review of the history of this relationship sheds light on how and why the ups and downs in its development. The historical experiences and important prin...
  • Dynamics of the Asia-Pacific and Corresponding Strategies
    By Zhang YunlingThe Asia-Pacific is the most economically vibrant region and weighs heavily in the world economy. It also sees the convergence of interests and build-up of tensions between China and the United States. Situation in the Asia-Pacific is the focus...
  • Features, Origins and Impacts of the Populism in Europe
    By Mei Zhaorong The disturbances of the world carry with them profound and complicated changes, and increasing uncertainties and instabilities. Amongst the disturbances, the Brexit referendum, populist rise in Europe, and Trump’s election as the U.S. pre...
  • The Faster Changing Middle East
    By An Huihou The Middle East is located in an important strategic position where the three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, intersect and is endowed with rich oil and gas resources. It has long been a region where major powers compete with one another. T...
  • Donald Trump’s Domestic and Foreign Policies In His Presidency
    By Ding YuanhongDonald Trump has been elected as President of the United States against the major backdrop of serious social divisions in the United States. As an “outsider” of the US political system, he won the presidential election in an unconventional wa...
  • Globalization, Deglobalization and the New Social Trend of Populism
    By Ye JiangThere is no doubt that globalization, which started after the end of the Second World War and has thrived since the end of the Cold War, is confronted with the tremendous challenge of deglobalization. Deglobalization that has emerged in today’s wor...
  • No.122
  • No.121
  • No.120
  • No.119
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • Join Hands to Create a Bright Future of Peace and Prosperity
    Mid-summer is a season of lush exuberance. And it is especially so in my alma mater, Tsinghua University. It is a great pleasure to be back here for the Fifth World Peace Forum. Let me begin by extending congratulations on the opening of the Forum and warm reg...
  • Keynote Speech At the Lunch Meeting of the 5th World Peace Forum
    It gives me great pleasure to be back at the World Peace Forum. I am happy to see that, since its establishment five years ago, the Forum has grown into an influential international security forum.The world is living through major transformation like never bef...
  • Champion the Idea of a Community of Common Destiny and Build a Bright Future of World Peace and Security
    Today, peace, development and win-win cooperation have become the overriding theme of the times, and the world is increasingly growing into a community of common destiny in which the interests of one country are intertwined with those of others. However, this ...
  • Remarks at the 5th World Peace Forum
    It’s my great pleasure to attend the 5th World Peace Forum and to share with you some of my observations on the Taiwan question and the situation across the Taiwan Straits.I. Origin of the Taiwan QuestionTo understand the Taiwan question, one should first of ...
  • Inclusiveness of Security Cooperation
    At this Forum two years ago, I addressed the topic of “Asia-Pacific Major Power Relations and Regional Security.” In that talk, I cited the emerging shift in the world’s political and economic focus, away from the United States and other Atlantic region pow...
  • Inclusiveness of Security and Cooperation
    The 5th World Peace Forum organized by the University of Tsinghua, known in the world for academic excellence and intellectual commitment, gives opportunity to deal with major issues in a period of troubles. It’s not only a place bringing together different p...
  • Open-access of International Security Cooperation
    I consider it a special privilege to address this distinguished gathering today. As we look around the world, we see several challenges before us that threaten to destabilize the international system, undermine peace and slow development. Taken individual...
Recommended this issue:
  • Work Together to Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has, with a keen appreciation of the future of mankind and the trend of the times and an accurate grasp of the stra...
  • Work Together for a New Round of World Economic Growth
    The 11th G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou on September 4 - 5, 2016. It will be the first G20 Summit ever hosted by China and the most important diplomatic event held in the country this year. All eyes will be on Hangzhou.The G20 Summit was born at a time of...
  • The Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Change and Global Financial Market Turbulence
    In both the financial crisis and the post-crisis era, the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is calibrated according to the performance of the US economy. But that inevitably sends waves across the global financial market. As the US Treasury Secretary in the N...
  • South China Sea: How We Got Here and Where We Should Go
    The South China Sea issue first arose in the late 1960s. In essence, it is about territorial disputes over some islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Islands illegally occupied by countries like Vietnam and the Philippines. With the development of the mariti...
  • A Win-win Path for China-US Relations
    Recently, the differences between China and the US on the South China Sea issue are acute, which creates the impression that bilateral relations are going downward. The debate on China policy is still going on in America. Some hold that the US policy to engage...
  • The Korean Nuclear Issue and the Security Situation in Northeast Asia
    The latest developments of the Korean nuclear issue have once again stirred up the security environment in Northeast Asia, adding some new, stark features to the situation. This is the product of the long evolution of two structural challenges and their negati...
  • China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations at 25: Review and Outlook
    Recognizing the strategic, diplomatic and economic importance, China and ASEAN commenced their dialogue relations in 1991, through which they have been partnering for security and prosperity of the region for a quarter of a century. Many of the achievements al...
Recommended this issue:
  • No.118
  • No.117
  • No.116
  • No.115
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • Advance Asian Security for Common Development
    Your Excellency Chairman of CICA Non-governmental Forum,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends, Beijing in May is embracing the vibrance of a full-blown summer. In this beautiful season, representatives from member states and observers of the...
  • Working Together to Build A Community of Common Destiny for World Peace and Security
    Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, It gives me great pleasure to come back to Tsinghua University for the World Peace Forum. Let me extend, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm congratulations on the opening of the Forum and a big we...
  • On Peace and Security in Asia
    Despite Asia’s vast potential, old civilization and remarkable histories, it is increasingly confronted with immense risks and challenges. From North Africa to East Asia, we are trapped by complicated problems of colonial legacy and challenged with circumstan...
  • On China-Kazakhstan Relations and the CICA Mechanism
    At the fourth CICA Summit on 21 May 2014, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev made a proposal to establish an Asian Security and Development Organization on the basis of CICA and President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China called for the Asian se...
  • Speech at the First Annual Conference of CICA Non-Governmental Forum
    I would like first of all to thank you for inviting me for this important forum. I had been many times in Beijing, but for the first time in CICA. And I found both the idea and execution extremely important. I am coming from a distant corner of Asia, from ...
  • On World Order and Asian Times
    I congratulate Chinese Chairmanship of CICA for implementing the idea of President Xi Jinping for CICA Non-Governmental Forum. China has initiated this noble venture which would surely help the people of Asia to establish effective networks for addressing the ...
  • To Promote Sustainable Security Based on the Development of Asia
    Peace and development is the common trend in the region and the world at large. However, we are not completely safe from emerging security threats stemming from terrorism and extremism, sovereignty disputes and nationalism, and structural power competition bet...
  • Speech at the First Annual Conference of CICA Non-Governmental Forum
    At the outset, I would like to congratulate you on the formation of the first annual conference of the CICA Non-Governmental Forum. I have the privilege to participate in this gathering on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran—the founder of one of Asia’s m...
  • Safeguard of the Post-War International Order and Asian Security
    The scope My intervention will be on the “Post-war International Order and Security in Asia and on Possible Ways of Safeguarding and improving it”. The post-war period that I will talk about covers the period that starts at the end of the Second Worl...
  • Europe and International Security Cooperation
    First of all, let me say that I am very pleased and honored to take part in the World Peace Forum once again. I participated in this exceptional meeting back in 2012, when this initiative was launched for the first time. And since then I never missed an opport...
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • No.114
  • No.113
  • No.112
  • No.111
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • Join Hands in Working for Peace and Security in Asia and the World
    The Honorable Mr. Tang Jiaxuan, Chairman of the World Peace Forum, The Honorable Mr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, The Honorable Mr. Shaukat Aziz, The Honorable Mr. Dominique de Villepin, The Honorable Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, The Honorable President Chen Jining, The Hono...
  • Keynote Speech at the Luncheon of the Third World Peace Forum
    Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends, It is a privilege to speak at the luncheon of the Third World Peace Forum. As I've noticed, China's foreign policy has drawn much attention from the international community as the country continues to...
  • Join Hands in Safeguarding Peace and Shouldering Security Responsibilities
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, It is a great pleasure for me to exchange views with you at this important platform of the World Peace Forum. The theme of the Forum “In Pursuit of Common Security: Peace, Mutual Trust and Responsibility” conforms to t...
  • Responsibility in the Pursuit of Common Security and Promoting Peace through ASEAN and ASEAN plus Three
    Saying we need to promote peace is easy, but actually promoting peace is altogether more difficult. It requires compromises, humility, and a willingness and ability to see our common interests. We have created the peace and stability we enjoy today – some...
  • The Middle East and Central Asia post US Withdrawal
    Ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to be here today at the third World Peace Forum to discuss the very pressing subject of global security. It is fitting that we meet on the anniversary of a landmark moment–100 years ago this week a bullet was ...
  • In Pursuit of Peace, Common Security and Development
    Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends Let me say it bluntly.The year 2014 has been a very frightening year for worldwide peace. ·In Ukraine, we see a confrontation course between Russia, Europe, America setting a dangerous new envi...
  • Asia-Pacific Major Power Relations and Regional Security
    I’m delighted once again that the 3rd World Peace Forum, under the leadership of President Tang Jiaxuan, is being held here at Tsinghua University. I would like to thank University president, Dr. Cheng Jining for granting me this opportunity to speak at this ...
  • Asia-Pacific Major Power Relations and Regional Security
    Dear Mr. Chairman, esteemed colleagues and friends! Let me start my presentation with saying how privileged and honored I feel for having a chance to be here, at the Tsinghua University once again. Considering myself to be a veteran of the World Peace Forum,...
  • The New Model of Sino-U.S. Major Power Relations
    President Xi Jinping has proposed, and President Obama has agreed, that China and the United States will seek to develop a “new model” of major country relations. The two countries will seek both to develop the principles of this “new model” of relation...
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • No.110
  • No.109
  • No.108
  • No.107
Recommended this issue:
Recommended this issue:
  • United in Our Pursuit of Peace and Security
    One year ago, the first World Peace Forum was successfully held at Tsinghua University, setting up a new platform for all parties to strengthen dialogue and exchange and jointly seek peace in the world. The theme of this year's Forum — "International Sec...
  • Exploring the Path of Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
    Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to attend the second World Peace Forum. I wish to thank Tsinghua University and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs for putting together this grand gathering...
  • Advancing Mutually Beneficial Economic Cooperation To Promote Prosperity and Development
    Your Excellency Mr. Xie Weihe, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, It gives me great pleasure to attend the World Peace Forum. I wish to take this opportunity to share with you some of my observations on the issues concerning China's openi...
  • China's Defence Policy with a Defensive Nature in a Changing World
    Mr. Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to meet old friends and get to know new ones here. I wish to thank the sponsors for their arrangements. I wish to exchange views with you on China's defence policy which is defensive in nature. ...
  • Remarks by H.E. Desiré D. Bouterse
    Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to be here, and a great honor indeed to address this global forum and share with you the views of Suriname, a South American country, on the most important issue of international peac...
  • Trends in International Security
    On behalf of the people of Sierra Leone, and in my own name, I congratulate the citizens of the Peoples Republic of China for their inauguration of a new leadership. Please accept Mr. Vice President our wishes for the continued wellbeing and prosperity of the ...
  • Innovation and International Security
    1. Introduction Thank you for inviting me to speak once again this year at Tsinghua University's World Peace Forum. Over the past year or so, leaders have been chosen, elected or re-elected in most of the countries and territories in or closely connected t...
  • International Security in a Changing World:Innovation, Coordination, Development
    1. I wish to thank Tsinghua University and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs for inviting me to address at the 2013 world peace forum. I am delighted to visit the lovely and historic city of Beijing again, and to rekindle old friendships, as w...
  • International Coordination and Security
    Ladies and Gentleman and esteemed guests I am honoured to be back here at Tsinghua University in these beautiful surroundings. For over 100 years Tsinghua University has been educating the future leaders of China and now, today, it is providing an instrumental...
  • Innovation and International Security
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel deeply honored and privileged to be here among you today and to introduce today’s round of discussions of the World Peace Forum hosted by the University of Tsinghua and the Chine Communist Party’s Institute for Foreign Affair...
  • International Coordination andInternational Security
    1. Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends and colleagues! It is my honor and pleasure to be one of the guests of the Second World Peace Forum hosted by the distinguished Tsinghua University. I had the privilege to participate in the First Forum here a year ago....
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Recommended this issue:
  • No.106
  • No.105
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