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Chairman John Larson of US House Democratic Caucus visits China
Chairman John Larson of US House Democratic Caucus visited China at the invitation of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) from May 15th to 20th. The House Representative from Connecticut and member of Ways and Means Committee was joined by Major General (Retired) Paul Bergson, senior advisor of US-Asia Foundation and his legislative director. During the stay in Beijing, Vice Chairman Lu Yongxiang of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Vice Minister Wang Chao of the Ministry of Commerce, Vice President Chen Yonglong of the CPIFA and Deputy Director Zhang Zhiqing of the National Library met with or hosted dinner for the delegation. While in Hebei Province, Vice Mayor Zhang Jianguo of Chengde City met with him. Chairman Larson also joined the construction work of a UPS-sponsored computer lab at Nanwushijiazi Mongol Primary School in Pingquan County and addressed the inauguration ceremony of the lab.