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Qin Gang Delivers a Keynote Speech at the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World

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On April 21, 2023, the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World was held at the Meet-the-World Lounge in Shanghai. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang attended the opening ceremony, read out the congratulatory letter from President Xi Jinping (released separately), and delivered a keynote speech.

Qin Gang said that Chinese modernization is deeply rooted in Chinese history, practices and philosophies. Chinese modernization is the natural choice of China's 100-year-long quest for development, the natural requirement of promoting national rejuvenation on all fronts, and a natural outcome of the laws governing human development. Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has found by itself a path to modernization, and created a new form of human advancement. Modernization is a common cause of all humanity. There is no fixed model of, or single solution to, modernization. Any country can achieve modernization, as long as the path suits its conditions and answers the need of its people for development.

Qin Gang said that as the biggest developing country, China always keeps in mind the greater good of the whole world. The Chinese path is a path toward development of China, through which more positive energy will be added to global peace and new opportunities created for global development. The modernization of China with such a huge population will be a stronger boost for global economic recovery. The modernization of China with common prosperity for all will open up a broader path to the common development of all countries, and help inspire confidence in many countries in their pursuit of modernization. The modernization of China with material and cultural-ethical advancement will open up bright prospects for human progress. The modernization of China with harmony between humanity and nature will provide a more viable pathway to a clean and beautiful world. The modernization of China on the path of peaceful development will bring more certainty to world peace and stability. Facts have proved that a China moving toward modernization is a boost to the force for peace and justice.

Qin Gang pointed out that China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development, to fostering a new type of international relations, and to developing a community with a shared future for mankind. China will defend the right to development of all countries with greater determination, respect the modernization path chosen by the people of other countries, stand committed to the right direction of globalization, oppose attempts to build walls and barriers and push for decoupling and severing supply chains, and oppose unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure, so that economic globalization and the modernization of all countries could move forward in tandem and complement each other. China's modernization has made advances in the course of opening up, and is bound to embrace a brighter future through opening up. China will advance high-standard opening up with more proactive efforts, deepen convergence of interests with the world, and invest more resources in global development cooperation. China will promote more actively exchanges among civilizations, and promote peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom -- the common values of humanity. China will step up efforts to build a sound economic structure that facilitates green, low-carbon and circular development, and promote a transition to green economic and social development across the board. China will actively participate in international cooperation in climate response, ocean governance, global biodiversity protection and other areas. China will be more resolute in defending the authority of the UN and upholding the post-war international order.

Qin Gang emphasized that Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times, and both sides of the Strait belong to one and the same China. This is Taiwan's history, and it is also the status quo of Taiwan. Taiwan's return to China is a component of the post-war international order. China will not lose any part of its territory that has been restored. And the established post-war international order will not be upended. China will never back down in face of any act that undermines China's sovereignty and security. Those who play with fire on Taiwan will eventually get themselves burned.

Qin Gang noted that while Chinese modernization is conceived in China, the opportunities it brings belong to the world. China is ready to work together with all parties to promote diverse ways of modernization and create an even brighter future for the planet.

The forum was jointly organized by the China Public Diplomacy Association, the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. Political dignitaries and former political dignitaries from nearly 80 countries, internationally renowned experts and scholars, business leaders, foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations to China and representatives of international media attended the forum.