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Message of Solidarity from the France-China Foundation to Support China in Fighting Agaist the Novel Coronavirus

Message of Solidarity from the France-China Foundation to Support China in Fighting Agaist the Novel Coronavirus

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Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, many alumni of Chinese-French Young Leaders Forum have been deeply concerned about the situation, whether they are affected by it, fighting against it, or finding ways to support. Many, either personally or through their companies or institutions, are giving assistance by donating personal protective equipment to China or by supporting scientific research efforts. The France-China Foundation, by posting an official statement on its website, expresses its heartfelt sympathy and concerns with what the Chinese people are going through. It believes that the measures taken by the Chinese government to contain the spread of the virus are effective and calls for stronger cooperation between the Chinese and French government to clear the virus. The Foundation itself is currently uniting forces to organize a donation of medical equipment from France.