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The 4th Beijing-Seoul Forum Held in Beijing


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       Co-sponsored by Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) and the Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA), the 4th Beijing-Seoul Forum was held successfully in Beijing on March 30th. Mr. Li Zhaoxing, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress, Mr. Lee Hong Koo, Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea and President of SFIA, Ambassador Lee Kyu Hyung, Korean Ambassador to China, Mr. Han Sung Joo, Former Korean Foreign Minister Ambassador Lu Shumin, Vice President of CPIFA and Mr. Huang Xingyuan, Vice President of CPIFA delivered opening remarks respectively on the occasion.

       About 40 experts and scholars from the fields of politics, economics, education and academies of both countries engaged in comprehensive discussions on the subject matters such as ‘Review and Prospect of 20 Years of China-ROK Relations in the fields of Politics and Economy’ and ‘Public Sentiment and Mutual Cognitive Environment of China and South Korea’. Mr. Xu Jialu, Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the NPC and Senior Advisor to CPIFA, Mr. Li Xueyong, Governor of Jiangsu Province and Mr Wang Zhiyong, Deputy Mayor of Yangzhou met and hosted dinner in honor of the delegation respectively.

       Beijing-Seoul Forum, jointly established in 2005 by CPIFA and SFIA, had been successfully held for three times. This Forum aims at making suggestions and contributions to the future of China-ROK Relations and the regional development of North-east Asia through comprehensive exchange of views among experts and scholars of the two countries.